PowerPoint QAT – Quick access toolbar

PowerPoint QAT - Quick access toolbar - Techronology

The above image represents our PowerPoint QAT or quick access toolbar. For the purpose of this article, we are using version 2022 of PPT.

Overview of our PowerPoint QAT

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The QAT allows you to access frequently used commands. In most cases, it speeds up your work and efficiency. Basically, it makes you lazy in a good way. For example, we have the save command as our first option. However, you can simply press Ctrl+S to save. But sometimes, you just want to keep your hand on the mouse.

In addition, Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V allows you to copy and apply formats to shapes and text. Again, the format painter command is on the toolbar too. Easy access.

Frequently used commands

So, the commands we use often are the merge shapes commands. They allow you to do some great things with shapes and pictures. Like, unionize, cut, intersect, fragment, and combine shapes.

This QAT allows us to easily work with tables, shapes, pictures, and external objects.


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