Create aircrafts in Artplotty and PowerPoint – How to

Create aircrafts in Artplotty and PowerPoint - How to

Create aircrafts in Artplotty Grid 21 and PowerPoint

This is a quiet video on how to create aircrafts in Artplotty Grid 21 and PowerPoint. Keep in mind, it is kind of long and slow because, we had to estimate some of the points. If we would had done it on graph paper first, then the video would be faster.

Also, doing it on graph paper first would probably enhance your design. In any case, there are things you can do, after you create the PNG image. Perhaps, develop a game.

The video

So, below is the video on how to design a fighter plane in Artplotty Grid 21 and PowerPoint.

Hopefully, we will be able to create a version from a graph paper design. Now, that would be great! Of course, make sure you look out for that one.

Start using Artplotty Grid 21

If you want to start your design, then click on one of the buttons below.

Learn more Artplotty Grid 21


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