The Graphics Power Diskette – Where it all started

The Graphics Power Diskette - Techronology

On the whole, the Graphics Power Diskette (or GPD) is a graphics demo program for DOS. Also, you know it is an old program from the word ‘diskette’ in the title.

Table of contents
  1. Overview of the Graphics Power Diskette
  2. Screenshots of the program
  3. Code listing
  4. The video
  5. Reference desk

Overview of the Graphics Power Diskette

So, the GPD is a creation by yours truly, Alex Shaw III. Firstly, the coding for this program is in QuickBASIC and Visual Basic (VB) for DOS. Secondly, I am not even gonna ask you if you remember, or even heard of, QuickBASIC or VB for DOS.

Amount of code

Overall, the GPD contains over 1000 lines of code, and over 45 subroutines and functions. Pretty impressive, huh? Today, maybe not so much. Unless, you know the history.

The graphics

Specifically, for the graphics, I drew some of them by hand first, on graph paper. Of course, with DOS, you had to digitalize the graphics through code too. Um, um, um. Overall, a lot of work. But, it was fun.

Indeed, an example of my graphics work would be the front screen, shown at the top of this page. Of course, for the blue background, I think I only made one object, and copied the rest. Also, the fancy lettering is definitely graph paper work. On the other hand, some of the text is actually graphics mode text. In other words, you type in the text, assigned to a variable or something like that.


Screenshots of the program

For the most part, the screenshots below show you how it used to be, back in the days. For example, we actually had to code paint tiles and line styles. Today, you just click, and there you go. Thus, as it should be.

In addition, you can find the code for almost all these screenshots, in the code listing section.

The Graphics Power Diskette - Startup screen
Hero screen
Main menu - Techronology
Main menu
The Graphics Power Diskette - Introduction - Part I - Techronology
Introduction – Part I
Introduction - Part II - Techronology
Introduction – Part II
The Graphics Power Diskette - Graphics menu - Techronology
Graphics demonstration menu
Pixel demo - Techronology
Pixel demo


The Graphics Power Diskette - Line demo - Techronology
Line demo
Box demo - Techronology
Box demo
The Graphics Power Diskette - Box fill demo - Techronology
Box fill demo
Circel demo - Techronology
Circle demo
The Graphics Power Diskette - Circle fill demo - Techronology
Circle fill demo
Arc demo - Techronology
Arc demo
The Graphics Power Diskette - Get/Put demo - Techronology
Get/Put demo
Draw demo - Techronology
Draw demo
The Graphics Power Diskette - User-defined line tile patterns - Techronology
User-defined line tiles
Palette chart - Techronology
Color palette
The Graphics Power Diskette - User-defined paint tile patterns - Techronology
User-defined paint tiles
Sample programs menu - Techronology
Sample programs menu
The Graphics Power Diskette - Sunshine reflection program - Techronology
Sunshine reflection
Color ellipses program - Techronology
Color ellipses
The Graphics Power Diskette - Color circles program - Techronology
Colored circles
Orbit program - Techronology
Orbit program
The Graphics Power Diskette - Hat-Man animation program - Techronology
Hat-Man animation
Flying saucer program - Techronology
Flying saucer
The Graphics Power Diskette - Triangle lost in space program - Techronology
Triangle lost in space
Clown face - Techronology
Clown face
The Graphics Power Diskette - Exit prompt - Techronology
Exit prompt
Exit message - Techronology
Exit message


Code listing

So, here is the complete code listing for the GPD program.

'Filename:      DEMOBAS.BAS
'Programmer:    Alex Shaw III
'Purpose:       Graphics Demonstration Program
'$FORM Demo
'Subroutines and Functions
DECLARE SUB BoxFillDemo ()
DECLARE SUB Center (row, MaxCol, fgkol, bgkol, text$)
DECLARE SUB CircleDemo ()
DECLARE SUB CircleFillDemo ()
DECLARE SUB Circles ()
DECLARE SUB ClearLines (trow, lcol, brow, rcol, kolor)
DECLARE SUB ClownFace ()
DECLARE SUB DefaultPal ()
DECLARE SUB delay (seconds!)
DECLARE SUB DemoRoutine ()
DECLARE SUB Ellipse ()
DECLARE SUB ExitMessage ()
DECLARE SUB ExitRoutine ()
DECLARE SUB GCenter (row, MaxCol, fgkol, text$)
DECLARE SUB GPrtText (row, col, fgkol, text$)
DECLARE SUB GraphCenter (row, MaxCol, fgkol, text$)
DECLARE SUB GraphMode (mode, wide, rows)
DECLARE SUB GraphWindow (title$)
DECLARE SUB KeyBuffer ()
DECLARE SUB LineBox (trow, lcol, brow, rcol, fgkol, bgkol, mkol, skol, btype)
DECLARE SUB LineTiles ()
DECLARE SUB PaintTiles ()
DECLARE SUB PaletteChart ()
DECLARE SUB PixelDemo ()
DECLARE SUB PrtText (row, col, fgkol, bgkol, text$)
DECLARE SUB PutImage (filename$, asize, mode, xc, yc)
DECLARE SUB SampleProgRoutine ()
DECLARE SUB ScreenErrorMessage ()
DECLARE SUB SpaceShip ()
DECLARE SUB TextMode (wide, rows, apage, vpage, fgkol, bgkol)
DECLARE SUB TilePatterns ()
DECLARE SUB Triangle ()
'Type Definitions
TYPE hues
CONST PI# = 3.14159265358979#
'Global Variables
DIM SHARED TilePat$(1 TO 14)             'for tile patterns
DIM SHARED Pal(0 TO 255, 1 TO 3)         'store palette colors
DIM SHARED OriginalPal(0 TO 255, 1 TO 3) 'store original palette colors
   DATA 255,15,0,0,255,15,0,0,255,15,0,0,255,15,0,0
   DATA 255,240,0,0,255,240,0,0,255,240,0,0,255,240,0,0
   DATA 15,240,0,15,15,240,0,15,15,240,0,15,15,240,0,15
   DATA 15,240,0,15,15,240,0,15,15,240,0,15,15,240,0,15
   DATA 0,0,0,255,0,0,0,255,0,0,0,255,0,0,0,255
   DATA 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
   DATA 255,255,0,0,129,129,126,0,129,129,126,0,129,129,126,0
   DATA 129,129,126,0,129,129,126,0,129,129,126,0,255,255,0,0
   DATA 0,255,252,175,0,252,252,85,0,255,252,175,0,252,252,85
   DATA 0,255,252,175,0,252,252,85,0,255,252,175,0,252,252,85
   DATA 128,127,0,127,192,63,0,63,224,31,0,31,240,15,0,15
   DATA 248,7,0,7,252,3,0,3,254,1,0,1,255,0,0,0
   DATA 0,0,255,0,0,159,255,0,0,159,255,0,0,159,255,0
   DATA 0,0,255,0,0,249,255,0,0,249,255,0,0,249,255,0
   DATA 239,239,255,0,199,199,255,0,131,131,255,0,1,1,255,0
   DATA 131,131,255,0,199,199,255,0,239,239,255,0,255,255,255,0
   DATA 0,255,223,131,0,255,255,1,0,255,255,1,0,255,255,1
   DATA 0,255,255,1,0,255,255,1,0,255,223,131,0,255,255,255
   DATA 146,146,146,109,73,73,73,182,36,36,36,219,146,146,146,109
   DATA 73,73,73,182,36,36,36,219,146,146,146,109,73,73,73,182
   DATA 0,255,255,51,0,255,255,51,0,255,255,0,0,255,255,0
   DATA 0,255,255,51,0,255,255,51,0,255,255,0,0,255,255,0
   DATA 56,199,0,199,124,131,0,131,254,1,0,1,254,1,0,1
   DATA 254,1,0,1,124,131,0,131,56,199,0,199,0,255,0,255
   DATA 255,255,255,0,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,0
   DATA 255,255,255,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,0,255,255,255,0
   DATA 144,144,144,119,68,68,68,187,68,68,68,187,34,34,34,221
   DATA 34,34,34,221,34,34,34,221,34,34,34,221,187,187,187,68
   DATA 285,185,320,230,280,205,320,245,280,220,320,260,295,220,340,260
   DATA 310,220,350,260,315,195,360,240,310,190,360,230,285,185,340,230
   DATA "This program was designed to demonstrate some of the many graphics"
   DATA "features of the QuickBASIC computer programming language.  Although"
   DATA "most of this program was written in Visual Basic for DOS, the"
   DATA "graphics routines are compatible with QuickBASIC."
   DATA "There are a total of four main menu options.  Currently, you are in"
   DATA "the first option which is an introduction to this program.  The"
   DATA "second option is a graphics demonstration and the third option runs"
   DATA "sample programs.  Finally, the four and final main menu choice"
   DATA "allows you to exit this program."
   DATA "All together, there are two files which make up this program; a form"
   DATA "file and a BASIC file.  Both files combined have 51 routines.  The"
   DATA "BASIC file alone has 46 routines.  Some routines were designed to"
   DATA "imitate some of Turbo C's functions, especially the text routines."
   DATA "I used a drawing program to draw some of the images and to create"
   DATA "portions of the graphical menus.  These images were saved in a"
   DATA "format recognized by BASIC.  This way, graphics can be loaded from"
   DATA "the disk to memory, making it much faster to display graphics."
   DATA "Well, enjoy this program; it is quite interesting!!!"
'   All graphics demonstrations.
SUB AllDemos ()
   PixelDemo      'pixel demonstration
   LineDemo       'line demonstration
   BoxDemo        'box demonstration
   BoxFillDemo    'box fill demonstration
   CircleDemo     'circle demonstration
   CircleFillDemo 'circle fill demonstration
   ArcDemo        'arc demonstration
   GetPutDemo     'get/put demonstration
   DrawDemo       'draw demonstration
   LineTiles      'line tiles demonstration
   PaintTiles     'paint tiles demonstration
   PaletteChart   'palette chart demonstration
'   Arc demonstration.
SUB ArcDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Arc Demonstration"                    'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key pressed
      DO                                              'aspect ratio loop
         XStart! = RND * 6                            'arc starts
         XEnd! = RND * 6                              'arc ends
      LOOP UNTIL XEnd! < XStart!                      'end is less than start
      CIRCLE (RND * 639, RND * 479), RND * 300 + 10, RND * 16, -XStart!, -XEnd!
   LOOP                                               'end keypress loop
'   Box demonstration.
SUB BoxDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Box Demonstration"                    'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      LINE -(RND * 639, RND * 479), RND * 16, B       'draw random box
   LOOP                                               'end keypress loop
'   Box fill demonstration.
SUB BoxFillDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Box Fill Demonstration"               'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      LINE -(RND * 639, RND * 479), RND * 16, BF      'draw box filled
   LOOP                                               'end keypress loop
'   Centers text at a given row with color.
'   row    - row
'   MaxCol - maximum column
'   fgkol  - foreground color
'   bgkol  - background color
'   text$  - text to print
SUB Center (row, MaxCol, fgkol, bgkol, text$)
   col = MaxCol / 2 - LEN(text$) / 2     'define column
   PrtText row, col, fgkol, bgkol, text$ 'print text
'   Checks the highest VGA mode used in this program.
SUB CheckVGA ()
   ON LOCAL ERROR GOTO BadMode 'print message in case of error
   SCREEN.HIDE                 'hide screen
   SCREEN 13                   'try to switch to VGA mode
BadMode:                       'routine to print error message
   ScreenErrorMessage          'print screen error message
   END                         'end program
'   Circle demonstration.
SUB CircleDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Circle Demonstration"                 'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      CIRCLE (RND * 639, RND * 479), RND * 300 + 10, RND * 16 'draw circle
   LOOP                                               'end keypress loop
'   Circle fill with paint demonstration.
SUB CircleFillDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Circle Fill Demonstration"            'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      xc = RND * 639                                  'initialize X-coordinate
      yc = RND * 479                                  'initialize Y-coordinate
      kolor = RND * 16                                'initialize color
      CIRCLE (xc, yc), RND * 300 + 10, kolor          'draw circle
      PAINT (xc, yc), RND * 16, kolor                 'fill circle with paint
   LOOP                                               'end keypress loop
'   Circle program.
SUB Circles ()
   GraphWindow "Color Circles Program"                'graphics window
   FOR radius = 10 TO 500 STEP 5                      'radius sizes from 10-500
      FOR xc = 2 TO 637 STEP 635                      'X-coordinate values
         yc = 0                                       'initialize Y-coordinate
         FOR number = 1 TO 2                          'for two circles
            CIRCLE (xc, yc), radius, 15 * RND + 1     'draw circle
            yc = yc + 445                             'increase Y-coordinate
         NEXT                                         'next circle
      NEXT                                            'next X-coordinate
   NEXT                                               'next radius number
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                'get any key
'   Clears a certain amount of lines in text mode.
'   trow  - top row
'   lcol  - left column
'   brow  - bottom row
'   rcol  - right column
'   kolor - color
SUB ClearLines (trow, lcol, brow, rcol, kolor)
   line$ = STRING$(rcol - lcol - 1, 219)  'define clearing line
   FOR row = trow TO brow                 'from top to bottom
      PrtText row, lcol, kolor, 0, line$  'print line
   NEXT                                   'next line
'   Displays a clown face.
SUB ClownFace ()
   GraphMode 12, 80, 30                    'set graphics mode
   GraphCenter 10, 80, 15, "Press any key to view clown face:"
   GraphCenter 11, 80, 15, "Press any key when ready to return to menu."
   KeyBuffer                               'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                     'get any key
   PutImage "CLOWN16.SCR", 32500, 7, 0, 0  'place image to screen
   KeyBuffer                               'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                     'get any key
'   Sets the default palette for this program for screen mode 13.
SUB DefaultPal ()
   DIM VPal(255) AS hues         'allocate storage space
   SCREEN 13                     'change mode
   DEF SEG = VARSEG(VPal(0))     'point to array's segment address
      BLOAD "VGA13.PAL", 0       'load palette into array
   DEF SEG                       'point to BASIC's segment address
   OUT &H3C8, 0                  'inform VGA
   FOR atrib = 0 TO 255          'entire palette
      OUT &H3C9, VPal(atrib).red 'send red component
      OUT &H3C9, VPal(atrib).grn 'send green component
      OUT &H3C9, VPal(atrib).blu 'send blue component
   NEXT                          'next attribute
'   Pauses execuation for a number of seconds or less.
'   seconds - seconds or less to pause
SUB delay (seconds!)
   StartTime! = TIMER                          'initialize start time
   DO                                          'start loop
   LOOP UNTIL (TIMER - StartTime!) >= seconds! 'end loop if true
'   Creates menu for graphics demonstration.
SUB DemoMenu ()
   DefaultPal                                   'load palette for images
   PutImage "DEMOMEN1.IMG", 31200, 12, 56, 40   'place first menu portion
   PutImage "DEMOMEN2.IMG", 31200, 12, 317, 40  'place second menu portion
   PutImage "DEMOMEN3.IMG", 10000, 12, 56, 281  'place third menu portion
   PutImage "DEMOPRPT.IMG", 12500, 12, 124, 402 'place prompt
'   Routine for graphics demonstration.
SUB DemoRoutine ()
   ValStr$ = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMabcdefghijklm" 'valid input string
   done = FALSE                           'loop controlling variable
   DO WHILE NOT done                      'start main loop
      DO                                  'start choice loop
         DemoMenu                         'creates demonstration menu
         KeyBuffer                        'clear keyboard buffer
         a$ = INPUT$(1)                   'get choice
         SELECT CASE ASC(a$)              'check choice
            CASE 27                       'user pressed Esc
               done = TRUE                'change loop controlling variable
            CASE 65, 97                   'user pressed A or a
               PixelDemo                  'pixel demonstration
            CASE 66, 98                   'user pressed B or b
               LineDemo                   'line demonstration
            CASE 67, 99                   'user pressed C or c
               BoxDemo                    'box demonstration
            CASE 68, 100                  'user pressed D or d
               BoxFillDemo                'box fill demonstration
            CASE 69, 101                  'user pressed E or e
               CircleDemo                 'circle demonstration
            CASE 70, 102                  'user pressed F or f
               CircleFillDemo             'circle fill demonstration
            CASE 71, 103                  'user pressed G or g
               ArcDemo                    'arc demonstration
            CASE 72, 104                  'user pressed H or h
               GetPutDemo                 'get/put demonstration
            CASE 73, 105                  'user pressed I or i
               DrawDemo                   'draw demonstration
            CASE 74, 106                  'user pressed J or j
               LineTiles                  'line tiles demonstration
            CASE 75, 107                  'user pressed K or k
               PaintTiles                 'paint tiles demonstration
            CASE 76, 108                  'user pressed L or l
               PaletteChart               'palette chart demonstration
            CASE 77, 109                  'user pressed M or m
               AllDemos                   'display all demonstrations
         END SELECT                       'end checking
      LOOP UNTIL ASC(a$) = 27 OR INSTR(a$, ValStr$) <> 0 'ending loop check
   LOOP                                   'end main loop
   TextMode 80, 25, 0, 0, 7, 0            'return to text mode
'   Demonstration for the DRAW statement.
SUB DrawDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Draw Demonstration"                    'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..."  'print prompt
   box$ = "u3r3d3l3"                                   'define box string
   FOR number = 1 TO 255 STEP 5
      DRAW "BM320,240;S=" + VARPTR$(number)            'position and set scale
      FOR Angle = -360 TO 360 STEP 45                  'turn angles
         kolor = RND * 16                              'set color
         DRAW "TA=" + VARPTR$(Angle) + "C=" + VARPTR$(kolor) + box$ 'draw box
      NEXT                                             'next angle
   NEXT                                                'next scale height
   KeyBuffer                                           'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                 'get any key
'   Draws an ellipse.
SUB Ellipse ()
   GraphWindow "Color Ellipses Program"               'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      kolor = 15 * RND + 1                            'initialize color
      FOR ratio! = .7 TO 0 STEP -.05                  'for ratios .7 to 0
         CIRCLE (320, 223), 300, kolor, , , ratio!    'draw ellipse
      NEXT                                            'next ratio value
   LOOP                                               'end keypress loop
'   Prints the exit message for the program.
SUB ExitMessage ()
   SCREEN.HIDE                          'hide screen
   TextMode 80, 25, 0, 0, 7, 0          'clear screen
   LineBox 7, 8, 14, 71, 14, 1, 1, 3, 2 'create box
   Center 7, 80, 15, 1, " Exit Message "
   Center 9, 80, 10, 1, "Thank you for using this demonstration program."
   Center 10, 80, 10, 1, "Look for my next creation in the near future."
   Center 12, 80, 10, 1, "Bye!!!"
   PrtText 13, 1, 7, 0, ""               'for location purpose
   END                                   'end program
'   Creates an exit routine for the program.
SUB ExitRoutine ()
   LineBox 9, 8, 15, 73, 10, 1, 1, 3, 2 ' create box
   Center 9, 80, 15, 1, " Exit Prompt "                              ' title
   Center 11, 80, 14, 1, "Do you really want to exit this program?"  ' prompt 1
   Center 13, 80, 14, 1, "Press <Y> for Yes or <N> for No:"          ' prompt 2
   done = FALSE                         'initialize loop controlling variable
   DO WHILE NOT done                    'start loop
      KeyBuffer                         'clear keyboard buffer
      ExitKey$ = INPUT$(1)              'get key
      SELECT CASE ASC(ExitKey$)         'check choice
         CASE 27                        'user pressed Esc key
            done = TRUE                 'change variable to exit loop
         CASE 89, 121                   'user pressed Y or y
            ExitMessage                 'print exit message and end program
         CASE 78, 110                   'user pressed N or n
            done = TRUE                 'change variable to exit loop
      END SELECT                        'end choice checking
   LOOP                                 'end loop
   Demo.SHOW                            'display Demo form
'   Fades a 256 color palette out.
SUB FadePal ()
   PalRead    'read the current palette colors
   PalStore   'store the current palette colors
   PalFadeOut 'fades out all 256 colors to black
'   Centers text at a given row with color in graphics mode.
'   row    - row
'   MaxCol - maximum column
'   fgkol  - foreground color
'   text$  - text to print
SUB GCenter (row, MaxCol, fgkol, text$)
   col = MaxCol / 2 - LEN(text$) / 2 'define column
   GPrtText row, col, fgkol, text$   'print text
'   Gets and puts an object on the screen.
SUB GetPutDemo ()
   DIM image(500)                                      'allocate space
   GraphWindow "Get/Put Demostration"                  'graphics window
   CIRCLE (320, 240), 15, 4                            'draw circle one
   PAINT (320, 240), 4, 4                              'paint circle one
   CIRCLE (320, 240), 7, 3                             'draw circle two
   PAINT (320, 240), 3, 3                              'paint circle two
   GET (305, 225)-(335, 255), image                    'store image
   CLS                                                 'clear screen
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..."  'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                           'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                                'start keypress loop
      xc = RND * 600                                   'initialize X-coordinate
      yc = RND * 400                                   'initialize Y-coordinate
      PUT (xc, yc), image, XOR                         'place image
      delay .2                                         'delay
      PUT (xc, yc), image, XOR                         'remove image
   LOOP                                                'end keypress loop
'   Prints text at a given location with color in graphics mode.
'   row   - row
'   col   - column
'   fgkol - foreground color
'   text$ - text to be printed to screen
SUB GPrtText (row, col, fgkol, text$)
   LOCATE row, col 'set location
   COLOR fgkol     'set color
   PRINT text$;    'print text
'   Centers text in graphics mode at a given row with color.
'   row    - row
'   MaxCol - maximum column
'   fgkol  - foreground color
'   text$  - text to print
SUB GraphCenter (row, MaxCol, fgkol, text$)
   col = MaxCol / 2 - LEN(text$) / 2 'define column
   LOCATE row, col                   'position cursor
   COLOR fgkol                       'set foreground color
   PRINT text$;                      'print text
'   Switches to a graphics mode.
'   mode - graphics mode
'   wide - width of screen
'   rows - number of rows
SUB GraphMode (mode, wide, rows)
   SCREEN mode      'change screen mode
   WIDTH wide, rows 'set dimensions
   VIEW             'clear viewport
   CLS              'clear screen
'   Creates a window in mode 12 (VGA) to view graphics.
'   title$ - title of the graphics window
SUB GraphWindow (title$)
   GraphMode 12, 80, 30          'switch to graphics mode
   GraphCenter 1, 80, 15, title$ 'center title
   LINE (0, 0)-(639, 463), 7, B  'outer border line
   LINE (0, 14)-(639, 14), 7     'title dividing line
   VIEW (2, 16)-(637, 461)       'area to view graphics
'   Animation program.
SUB HatMan ()
   REDIM HatMan1(800), HatMan2(800)                      'allocate storage space
   GraphWindow "Hat-Man Animation Program"             'display graphics window
   PutImage "HATMAN1.IMG", 800, 12, 302, 215           'place first hat-man
   GET (302, 215)-(339, 258), HatMan1                  'store first hat-man
   CLS                                                 'clear viewport
   PutImage "HATMAN2.IMG", 800, 12, 302, 215           'place second hat-man
   GET (302, 215)-(339, 258), HatMan2                  'store first hat-man
   CLS                                                 'clear viewport
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..."  'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                           'clear keyboard buffer
   xc = 586                                            'initialize X-coordinate
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                                'do until key is pressed
      PUT (xc, 215), HatMan2, XOR                      'place second hat-man
      delay .3                                         'pause
      PUT (xc, 215), HatMan2, XOR                      'remove second hat-man
      PUT (xc - 38, 215), HatMan1, XOR                 'place first hat-man
      delay .3                                         'pause
      PUT (xc - 38, 215), HatMan1, XOR                 'remove first hat-man
      xc = xc - 76                                     'decrease X-coordinate
      IF xc <= 16 THEN xc = 586                        'check X-coordinate
   LOOP                                                'end keypress loop
'   Prints introduction words.
SUB Intro ()
   TextMode 80, 25, 0, 0, 7, 1                          'switch to text mode
   PrtText 5, 6, 15, 1, "Introduction"                  'print title
   PrtText 6, 6, 7, 1, STRING$(69, 205)                 'dividing line
   Center 24, 80, 15, 1, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   row = 8                                              'initialize start row
   RESTORE IntroData                                    'set data pointer
   FOR number = 1 TO 21                                 'print nine lines
      READ text$                                        'read text data
      PrtText row, 6, 15, 1, text$                      'print text
      row = row + 1
      IF number = 10 THEN                               'check number
         row = 8                                        'define starting row
         KeyBuffer                                      'clear keyboard buffer
         AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                            'get a key
         ClearLines 8, 6, 17, 77, 1                     'clear lines
      END IF                                            'end checking
   NEXT                                                 'next line
   KeyBuffer                                            'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                  'get a key
'   Clears the keyboard buffer of any keystrokes.
SUB KeyBuffer ()
   DEF SEG = 0              'point to low memory address
      POKE 1050, PEEK(1052) 'clear buffer
   DEF SEG                  'return to default segment address
'   Creates a box using ASCII line-drawing characters.
'   trow  - top row
'   lcol  - left column
'   brow  - bottom row
'   rcol  - right column
'   fgkol - foreground color
'   bgkol - background color
'   mkol  - middle fill color
'   skol  - shadow color
'   btype - box type
'       first type  - single across; single down
'       second type - double across; double down
'       third type  - single across; double down
'       fourth type - double across; single down
SUB LineBox (trow, lcol, brow, rcol, fgkol, bgkol, mkol, skol, btype)
   SELECT CASE btype 'define box characters
      CASE 1         'single across; single down
         ulc = 218   '   upper-left-corner
         urc = 191   '   upper-right-corner
         blc = 192   '   bottom-left-corner
         brc = 217   '   bottom-right-corner
         ver = 179   '   vertical character
         hor = 196   '   horizontal character
      CASE 2         'double across; double down
         ulc = 201
         urc = 187
         blc = 200
         brc = 188
         ver = 186
         hor = 205
      CASE 3         'single across; double down
         ulc = 214
         urc = 183
         blc = 211
         brc = 189
         ver = 186
         hor = 196
      CASE 4         'double across; single down
         ulc = 213
         urc = 184
         blc = 211
         brc = 190
         ver = 179
         hor = 205
   TopRow$ = CHR$(ulc) + STRING$(rcol - lcol - 1, hor) + CHR$(urc) 'top row
   BotRow$ = CHR$(blc) + STRING$(rcol - lcol - 1, hor) + CHR$(brc) 'bottom row
   PrtText trow, lcol, fgkol, bgkol, TopRow$      'top row
   FOR row = trow + 1 TO brow - 1                 'top to bottom
      PrtText row, lcol, fgkol, bgkol, CHR$(ver)  'vertical character
      PrtText row, lcol + 1, mkol, 0, STRING$(rcol - lcol - 1, 219) 'mid-fill
      PrtText row, rcol, fgkol, bgkol, CHR$(ver)  'vertical character
      PrtText row, rcol + 1, skol, 0, CHR$(219)   'shadow character
   NEXT                                           'next line
   PrtText brow, lcol, fgkol, bgkol, BotRow$      'bottom row
   PrtText brow, rcol + 1, skol, 0, CHR$(219)     'shadow character
   PrtText brow + 1, lcol + 1, skol, 0, STRING$(rcol - lcol + 1, 219) 'shadow
'   Line demonstration.
SUB LineDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Line Demonstration"                   'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      LINE -(RND * 639, RND * 479), RND * 16          'draw line
'   Creates line tile patterns.
SUB LineTiles ()
   DIM LTile(1 TO 12)                                  'allocate storage space
   LTile(1) = &HFFFF                                   'line tile 1
   LTile(2) = &HEEEE                                   'line tile 2
   LTile(3) = &HDDDD                                   'line tile 3
   LTile(4) = &H1111                                   'line tile 4
   LTile(5) = &HFFCC                                   'line tile 5
   LTile(6) = &HE724                                   'line tile 6
   LTile(7) = &HF0F0                                   'line tile 7
   LTile(8) = &H6A6A                                   'line tile 8
   LTile(9) = &HABCD                                   'line tile 9
   LTile(10) = &H45AC                                  'line tile 10
   LTile(11) = &HBFBF                                  'line tile 11
   LTile(12) = &H4545                                  'line tile 12
   GraphWindow "User-Defined Line Tile Patterns"       'graphics window
   row = 4                                             'initialize row
   yc = 40                                             'initialize Y-coordinate
   FOR number = 1 TO 12                                'twelve line tiles
      LINE (50, yc)-(550, yc), 2, , LTile(number)      'draw line with tile
      GPrtText row, 70, 15, STR$(number)               'print tile number
      row = row + 2                                    'increase row
      yc = yc + 32                                     'increase Y-coordinate
   NEXT                                                'next tile number
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..."  'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                           'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                 'get a key
'   Create graphical logo.
SUB Logo ()
   SCREEN.HIDE                          'hide screen
   DefaultPal                           'define palette for mode 13
   PutImage "LOGO.SCR", 32500, 13, 0, 0 'load and place image
   KeyBuffer                            'clear keyborad buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                  'get any keystroke
   TextMode 80, 25, 0, 0, 7, 0          'switch to text mode
   SCREEN.SHOW                          'hide screen to show form
'   Rotates a ball in a circle.
SUB Orbit ()
   DIM planet(500)                                     'allocate storage space
   GraphWindow "Orbit Program"                         'display grahics window
   CIRCLE (320, 240), 10, 1                            'draw circle to move
   PAINT (320, 240), 3, 1                              'paint that circle
   GET (309, 229)-(331, 251), planet                   'store image
   FOR number = 1 TO 3000                              'place 3000 pixels
      PSET (RND * 639, RND * 479), 7                   'put pixel
   NEXT                                                'next number
   CIRCLE (320, 240), 161, 2, , , .13                  'draw ring
   CIRCLE (320, 240), 12, 14                           'draw yellow circle
   PAINT (320, 240), 14, 14                            'paint yellow circle
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..."  'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                           'clear keyboard buffer
   x# = -PI                                            'initialize turn angle
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                                'do until key is pressed
      r# = 160 * COS(x#)                               'initialize radius
      y# = SIN(x#)                                     'initialize Y-coordinate
      yo# = y# / (PI# / 60)                            'Y-coordinate offset
      PUT (317 + r#, 228 + yo#), planet, XOR           'place planet to screen
      FOR pause = 1 TO 1300                            'pause
      NEXT                                             'next pause number
      PUT (317 + r#, 228 + yo#), planet, XOR           'remover image
      x# = x# + .01                                    'increase PI angle
      IF x# >= PI THEN x# = -PI                        'check PI angle
   LOOP                                                'end keypress loop
'   Displays tile patterns in VGA mode.
SUB PaintTiles ()
   GraphWindow "User-Defined Paint Tile Patterns"     'create graphics window
   row = 9                                            'initialize row
   number = 1                                         'initialize tile number
   FOR yc = 24 TO 366 STEP 135                        'Y positions
      col = 10                                        'initialize column number
      FOR xc = 30 TO 580 STEP 150                     'X positions
         LINE (xc, yc)-(xc + 100, yc + 85), 7, B      'draw box
         PAINT (xc + 5, yc + 5), TilePat$(number), 7  'paint box
         GPrtText row, col, 15, STR$(number)          'print tile number
         col = col + 19                               'increase column number
         number = number + 1                          'increase tile number
      NEXT                                            'next X position
      row = row + 9                                   'increase row
   NEXT                                               'next Y position
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                'get any key
'   Creates a chart of palette colors.
SUB PaletteChart ()
   GraphMode 13, 40, 25                                   'graphics mode
   GraphCenter 2, 40, 7, "PALETTE CHART"                  'print title
   FOR yc = 54 TO 144 STEP 6                              'Y-coordinate values
      FOR xc = 8 TO 294 STEP 19                           'X-coordinate values
         LINE (xc, yc)-(xc + 17, yc + 4), kolor, BF       'draw line
         kolor = kolor + 1                                'increment kolor
      NEXT                                                'next X-coordinate
   NEXT                                                   'next Y-coordinate
   GraphCenter 24, 40, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                              'clear key buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                    'get a key
'   Fade all 256 colors to black.
SUB PalFadeOut ()
   FOR numberofshade = 0 TO 63                  '64 shades
      FOR colornum = 0 TO 255                   '256 colors
         OUT &H3C8, colornum                    'place color into VGA port
         FOR attribute = 1 TO 3                 '3 attributes
            OUT &H3C9, Pal(colornum, attribute) 'send color components
            IF Pal(colornum, attribute) > 0 THEN
               Pal(colornum, attribute) = Pal(colornum, attribute) - 1
            END IF
         NEXT attribute                         'next attribute
      NEXT colornum                             'next color
   NEXT numberofshade
'   Read the color values currently stored in the video card.
SUB PalRead ()
   FOR colornum = 0 TO 255          'read 256 colors
      OUT &H3C7, colornum           'color number
      Pal(colornum, 1) = INP(&H3C9) 'get red value from video card
      Pal(colornum, 2) = INP(&H3C9) 'get green value from video card
      Pal(colornum, 3) = INP(&H3C9) 'get blue value from video card
   NEXT colornum                    'next color
'   Stores the current palette.
SUB PalStore ()
   'Because we'll be changing the values in the video card, we'll want to
   'store those present in the array, OriginalPal().  This way, after making
   'whatever changes in the colors, we can always fade back to the older
   'palette we saved here.
   FOR colornum = 0 TO 255                  '256 color palette
      OUT &H3C7, colornum                   'color number
      OriginalPal(colornum, 1) = INP(&H3C9) 'get red value from video card
      OriginalPal(colornum, 2) = INP(&H3C9) 'get green value from video card
      OriginalPal(colornum, 3) = INP(&H3C9) 'get blue value from video card
   NEXT colornum                            'next color
'   Pixel demonstration.
SUB PixelDemo ()
   GraphWindow "Pixel Demonstration"                  'graphics window
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                               'do until key is pressed
      PSET (RND * 639, RND * 479), RND * 16           'place pixel
      PRESET (RND * 639, RND * 479)                   'place or remove pixel
'   Prints text at a given location with color.
'   row   - row
'   col   - column
'   fgkol - foreground color
'   bgkol - background color
'   text$ - text to be printed to screen
SUB PrtText (row, col, fgkol, bgkol, text$)
   LOCATE row, col    'set location
   COLOR fgkol, bgkol 'set color
   PRINT text$;       'print text
'   Loads and places an image on the screen.
'   filename$ - filename
'   asize     - array size
'   mode      - screen mode
'   xc        - x-coordinate
'   yc        - y-coordinate
SUB PutImage (filename$, asize, mode, xc, yc)
   SCREEN mode                          'set proper screen mode
   REDIM image(asize)                   'allocate storage for image
   DEF SEG = VARSEG(image(0))           'point to image's segment address
      BLOAD filename$, VARPTR(image(0)) 'load image into array
   DEF SEG                              'point to BASIC's segment address
   PUT (xc, yc), image, PSET            'place image onto screen
'   Creates routine for sample programs' menu.
SUB SampleProgRoutine ()
   done = FALSE                                 'loop controlling variable
   DO WHILE NOT done                            'start main loop
      DO                                        'start choice loop
         DefaultPal                             'set default image palette
         PutImage "PROGMENU.SCR", 32500, 13, 0, 0  ' display menu screen
         KeyBuffer                              'clear keyboard buffer
         a$ = INPUT$(1)                         'get choice
         SELECT CASE ASC(a$)                    'check choice
            CASE 27                             'user pressed <Esc>
               done = TRUE                      'change controlling variable
            CASE 49                             'user pressed 1
               SunShine                         'sunshine program
            CASE 50                             'user pressed 2
               Ellipse                          'color ellipses program
            CASE 51                             'user pressed 3
               Circles                          'color circles program
            CASE 52                             'user pressed 4
               Orbit                            'rotates a ball
            CASE 53                             'user pressed 5
               HatMan                           'hat-man animation program
            CASE 54                             'user pressed 6
               Triangle                         'triangle lost in space program
            CASE 55                             'user pressed 7
               SpaceShip                        'space ship program
            CASE 56                             'user pressed 8
               ClownFace                        'clown face program
         END SELECT                             'end checking
      LOOP UNTIL ASC(a$) = 27 OR (ASC(a$) > 0 AND ASC(a$) < 9)  ' check choice
   LOOP                                         'end main loop
   TextMode 80, 25, 0, 0, 7, 0                  'switch to text mode
'   Prints screen error message.
SUB ScreenErrorMessage ()
   TextMode 80, 25, 0, 0, 7, 0           'switch to text mode
   LineBox 8, 9, 14, 71, 15, 4, 4, 3, 2  'create box
   Center 8, 80, 15, 4, " Screen Error Message "
   Center 10, 80, 14, 4, "Your computer does not support VGA graphics."
   Center 11, 80, 14, 4, "Sorry, but this program depends on it."
   Center 12, 80, 14, 4, "Bye!!!"
'   Flys a space ship across the screen.
SUB SpaceShip ()
   REDIM image1(750), image2(750)                         'allocate storage
   DefaultPal                                             'set image palette
   PutImage "SHIP1.IMG", 750, 13, 0, 0                    'place image one
   GET (0, 0)-(48, 29), image1                            'store image one
   PutImage "SHIP2.IMG", 750, 13, 50, 0                   'place image two
   GET (50, 0)-(98, 29), image2                           'store image two
   CLS                                                    'clear screen
   GraphCenter 2, 40, 7, "Flying Saucer Program"          'graphics window
   GraphCenter 24, 40, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                              'clear key buffer
   xc = 200                                               'initialize X-coor
   yc = 100                                               'initialize Y-coor
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                                   'do until keypress
      ImageNum = RND * 1                                  'initialize image num
      IF ImageNum = 0 THEN                                'check image number
         PUT (xc, yc), image1, XOR                        'place image one
         delay .21                                        'delay
         PUT (xc, yc), image1, XOR                        'remove image one
      ELSE                                                'else
         PUT (xc, yc), image2, XOR                        'place image two
         delay .21                                        'delay
         PUT (xc, yc), image2, XOR                        'remove image two
      END IF                                              'end image check
      ry = RND * 1                                        'assign y-direction
      IF ry = 0 THEN yc = yc - 7 ELSE yc = yc + 7         'y goes up or down
      xc = xc - 7                                         'decrement X-coor
      IF xc <= 1 THEN xc = 260                            'check X-coordinate
      IF yc <= 1 THEN yc = 160                            'check Y-coordinate
      IF yc >= 160 THEN yc = 1                            'check Y-coordinate
   LOOP                                                   'end keypress loop
'   Rotates box to create sun shine picture.
SUB SunShine ()
   GraphWindow "Sunshine Reflection Program"          'graphics window
   box$ = "R635D445L635U445"                          'box string
   FOR number = 90 TO 1 STEP -1                       'start at 90 degrees
      DRAW "BM2,16 C14 TA=" + VARPTR$(Angle) + box$   'draw box at angle
      Angle = Angle + 1                               'increase angle number
   NEXT                                               'next box number
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..." 'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                          'clear keyboard buffer
   AnyKey$ = INPUT$(1)                                'get any key
'   Switches to text mode.
'   wide  - width of screen
'   rows  - number of rows
'   apage - active page
'   vpage - visual page
'   bgkol - background color
'   fgkol - foreground color
SUB TextMode (wide, rows, apage, vpage, fgkol, bgkol)
   SCREEN 0, 1, apage, vpage 'change screen mode
   WIDTH wide, rows          'set screen dimensions
   COLOR fgkol, bgkol        'set color
   CLS                       'clear screen
'   Define tile patterns.
SUB TilePatterns ()
   DIM row$(1 TO 8)                    'temporary row holder
   RESTORE TilePatternData             'set pointer
   FOR TileNumber = 1 TO 14            '14 tile patterns
      temp$ = ""                       'set temp variable to null
      FOR number = 1 TO 8              'eight rows create one tile
         READ tn1, tn2, tn3, tn4       'read tile number
         row$(number) = CHR$(tn1) + CHR$(tn2) + CHR$(tn3) + CHR$(tn4)
         temp$ = temp$ + row$(number)  'increment temporary holder
      NEXT                             'next number
      TilePat$(TileNumber) = temp$     'define tile pattern
   NEXT                                'next tile number
'   Rotates a triangle through space.
SUB Triangle ()
   RANDOMIZE TIMER                                     'randomize generator
   REDIM image(4500)                                     'allocate space
   GraphWindow "Triangle Lost In Space Program"        'display graphics window
   Tri$ = "BM320,240C14L30M+15,-35NM+15,+35BD5P14,14"  'triangle string
   RESTORE TriangleData                                'set data pointer
   number = 0                                          'initialize image number
   FOR Angle = 0 TO 315 STEP 45                        'turn angles
      READ XC1, YC1, XC2, YC2                          'read coordinates
      DRAW "TA=" + VARPTR$(Angle) + Tri$               'draw triangle at angle
      GET (XC1, YC1)-(XC2, YC2), image(number)         'store triangle
      CLS                                              'clear viewport
      number = number + 500                            'increase image number
   NEXT                                                'next angle
   FOR number = 1 TO 3000                              '3000 pixels to place
      PSET (RND * 639, RND * 479), 7                   'place random pixel
   NEXT                                                'next number
   GCenter 30, 80, 15, "Press any key to continue..."  'print prompt
   KeyBuffer                                           'clear keyboard buffer
   xc = 580                                            'initialize X-coordinate
   yc = 215                                            'initialize Y-coordinate
   ImageNum = 0                                        'initialize image number
   DO WHILE INKEY$ = ""                                'do until key is pressed
      PUT (xc, yc), image(ImageNum), XOR               'place image
      delay .21                                        'pause
      PUT (xc, yc), image(ImageNum), XOR               'remove image
      rx = RND * 1                                     'initialize X-direction
      ry = RND * 1                                     'initialize Y-direction
      IF rx = 0 THEN xc = xc - 15 ELSE xc = xc + 15    'check X-direction
      IF ry = 0 THEN yc = yc - 15 ELSE yc = yc + 15    'check Y-direction
      ImageNum = ImageNum + 500                        'increase image number
      IF ImageNum >= 4000 THEN ImageNum = 0            'check image number
      IF xc <= 5 THEN xc = 580                         'check X-coordinate
      IF yc <= 5 THEN yc = 395                         'check Y-coordinate
      IF xc >= 580 THEN xc = 5                         'check X-coordinate
      IF yc >= 395 THEN yc = 5                         'check Y-coordinate
   LOOP                                                'end keypress loop


The video

Finally, check out the video below to view all of the routines in action.


Reference desk

So, we put all of this info in our reference section. Overall, there is stuff you may find useful for your own projects. Also, one thing I can tell you is, that delay routine may not work as good on today’s computers.


Thank you and enjoy!

Techronology home Reference desk