Reference desk and information center

Techronology reference desk and information center for us to share resources with you.

Resources from reference desk

Originally, we made this reference solely for our own purposes. Basically, we wanted a place to access info and design, to use in our projects. Most of the stuff from this library comes directly from the work we do at Techronology. It is not easy trying to remember all these things.

Now, what we plan to do is, provide this information to you too. That is great! Below is our resource center. We hope you enjoy it.

Resource center

So, we have our resource center categorized. Overall, it makes it easier to find stuff in a user friendly way.

Python reference - Techronology

Python reference

Python is a computer programming language that you can use for multiple types of coding purposes.

Python reference

Table resources - Techronology

Tables and data

These tables and data modules provide a great resource for accessing key info for your projects.

Tables and data

Linux lab reports - Techronology

Linux lab reports

Our Linux lab reports are experiments and studies on certain aspects of the operating system.

Linux lab reports

Excel resources - Techronology

Excel resources

Excel resources focuses on information associated with the popular spreadsheet program.

Excel resources

PowerPoint information - Techronology

PowerPoint information

Information to help you with creating and working with PowerPoint presentations and designs.

PowerPoint information

Excel chart library - Techronology

Excel chart library

This Excel chart library contains so many charts. So, we had to put them in its own category.

Excel charts

Entire gamut

If you want to view the entire "uncategorized" gamut of our reference, then click on the button below.

Entire reference


If you want to contribute to this list, then send us an email at

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