PowerPoint cover page design

Cover page design

Having a nice PowerPoint cover page can help you pull a new client. In addition, people may become inspired from your work. Now, that experience is great!

PowerPoint cover page samples

We love creating front page designs. Especially, for presentations and pitch books. Overall, it allows us to explore our creative side and use some of our creative juices.

PPT sample designs

Believe it or not, most of these designs were done directly in PowerPoint (or PPT). However, we also use other apps, like Photoshop, in the design process. Below are some samples from our PPT design library.

Cover page - Sample 1
Design - Sample 2
Design - Sample 3
Cover page- Sample 4
Design - Sample 5
Design - Sample 6

So, as you see, you can do some creative and fun stuff in PPT. In the end, we want you to enjoy these designs too. Therefore, make sure you check them all out for yourself. They will inspire you.

Over 90 PPT cover designs

We have over 90 designs. If you want to see them all, then click on the button below.

All PPT covers


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