Best Ms Pacman arcade game clone for DOS

Best Ms Pacman game clone

Ms. PacPc is perhaps the best Ms Pacman game clone that I have ever played, on the PC.

If you know what you are doing and feel comfortable, then you can download the game now. Otherwise, go through this page, and download at the end.


Personal computer with DOS or a DOS emulator, such as DOSBox.


Size: 659 kB

Best Ms Pacman game clone

This PC game was created by JROK.

The video

Below is the game in action. Keep in mind, I do not have a joystick for my laptop. Therefore, I had to use the arrow keys on my keyboard. Trust me, it is not easy. However, it is still fun.

Get the game

In addition to downloading the game from JROK’s site, you can download it for free here. Remember, you have to run all aspects of this package from within DOS. Or, through a DOS emulator.


Personal computer with DOS or a DOS emulator, such as DOSBox.


Size: 659 kB

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