yBars game – Online guessing game

yBars game - Online guessing game

The yBars game is an online guessing game, where you guess the heights of five vertical bars.

Play the game

Click on the Play button and get busy.

Overview of yBars game

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yBars is an online guessing game, where you have to find out the size of five vertical bars. Yes, it is that simple. However, do not let the simple nature of the game fool you. Overall, it is very challenging.

So, to win, just make all the boxes green.

Bar colors

Here are three bar colors.

  1. Blue bar – You are still in the game. But, short on guessing the bar’s height.
  2. Green bar – A match was made.
  3. Red bar – Your guess went over the height of the bar. Game over!

Bar heights

The height of each bar is between 10 and 99. Thus, that is your guessing range. After you guess one bar, you can use that height to estimate the next bar.

Making a match

Once you make a match, the bar will turn green. Also, you get an additional try when you complete a bar.

Game over!

Now, there are three ways to get a Game over message.

  1. Firstly, you run out of tries.
  2. Secondly, you guess over the bar’s height.
  3. Finally, you win the game. Make them all green.

Of course, the goal is to do number three. In the game, that is.

Play the game

Click on the Play button and get busy.


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