Overview of Harvey Balls
Harvey Balls allow you to visually shows the level an item meets a certain standard. For the most part, people measure the standard in percentages or degrees. Generally, the percentages range from 0 to 100. In addition, there are key increments within the range to help measure the standard.
Also, some people refer to Harvey Balls as moons or Booz Balls. So, we may refer to them as moons.
Key sizes
Below is our collection of standard moons and balls of additional sizes.
Standard moons
Overall, the main sizes for moons are: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.

Additional sizes
We were once asked for a 33% and 66% ball. Of course, we obliged. Moreover, you get them too.

Finally, the good is, you get the option of download the above set in PowerPoint format or as an SVG file.
Sample design
Tables are the primary place where people place moons. Below is a sample table that illustrates one way to use Harvey Balls.

Click on the button below to download the moons in PowerPoint format.
Size: 27 kilobytes
SVG version
If you do not have PowerPoint, then feel free to save the SVG balls below to your device. You should be able to right-click on the image below and do a Save image as.